art direction

Interactive courses

Digital courses  for biology, physics, geography, literature, history and other middle-high school subjects.
Built in tight collaboration between UX UI design team, illustration, learning designers and the editorial team. Continuously tested on the end user – children.  We wanted to ensure that the work is truly collaborative, allowing each area of expertise to influence another to produce unique solutions.

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landing illustration

A backdrop illustration for the landing page of online publishing platform.

The brief was to compose an image displaying structural building blocks of the platform and ability to tailor your own website to personal or business needs.

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art direction digital workbook

3139 articles across all levels and subjects covering maths, russian, english, information technology, chemistry, physics, geography, literature, history, sociology.  

A comprehensive illustration guide and assets covering all subjects.
Over 50,000 illustrations produced:
infographics, schemes, icons, characters, maps, characters etc.

Creative direction: Polina Filippova
Design direction: Viacheslav Novoseltsev
Art direction of illustration: Evgenia Barinova
Operational manager: Ekaterina Tagirova

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art direction

Visual communication 

Visual system for marketing banners within the platform and in mail-outs. Pallete combinations for backgrounds, typography and buttons for better legibility. 
Artwork solutions developed to stand out in contrast to the rest of the content illustration, to work with the titles thematically unwrapping the message and often giving a broader conceptual perspective. 

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Hannah Wood 

Hannah is an architect and writer based in Tanzania, East Africa. Her monthly feature column for Archinect, 'Architecture Futures', explores the technological developments currently shaping the architecture profession within wider cultural and political discussions by bringing together critical voices on each topic. Themes covered include the possibilities and limitations of emerging technologies and the use of digital tools in the development of sustainable built environment solutions.

I had the pleasure of drawing and animating for Hannah’s articles for Archinect.

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art direction English: 
characters universe

English language is one of the key subjects in the Russian school programme, after Math and Russian language. As a subject is quite heavy on visuals requiring a lot of illustrative material to demonstrate examples and differences in uses of various language cases and tenses. My team were given a challange to create a system of characters to help optimise processes for illustration production.  

Illustration art direction: Evgenia Barinova
Leading illustrator: Dinara Galieva

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art direction, teaching

Team workshop: comics

One of the ways to tell stories in a concise and engaging way is comics, but it also requires quite specific storytelling knowlege and an extended toolset of artistic methods to visualise those stories. 
I organised a group workshop on comics to expand the team’s expertise and set of tools. 

 logo design, illustration

Akiba app

Logotype design and a series of walk-through illustrations for Akiba – an app that helps organise savings as a community. 

The illustrations are based on the story of Akiba the elephant, who wanted to be a ballerina since childhood. With the help of the community, with time, Akiba's dream came true. 

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Garage Endownment Fund

A set of spot illustrations for Garage museum, Moscow endownment fund website.  

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Evgenia Barinova
Art director and educator specialising in illustration and communication design. 
Illustrators’ rights activist, co-founder of magazine. 
Based in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. 

Art direction
→ Teaching

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Telegram: @evgbrn
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peace for all